When you want to hire a generator , you’re going to find yourself knee-deep in industry jargon that can make the process a bit confusing. The last thing you want is to hire the wrong diesel generators for your needs, so it’s important to know certain terms in order to make the process easier. Here’s some insight from the CAT rental team. When you ask about diesel generators, the first thing a salesperson will enquire about is the size you require for your commercial or industrial project. Generator size is measured in kilovolt-amperes (kVA), but it’s a term that isn’t well-known outside the industry. Usually, when people hire a generator, they know how much power they need in terms of kilowatts (kW) but not kVA. What is the Difference Between kW and kVA? kW are a unit of real power and a kW rating of diesel generators is how much power they can output based on the horsepower of the engine. Essentially, it is how much power the generator actually has. kVA is a measure of ...